The men's names are George and Lennie. George is described as "small and quick" and Lennie is described as Georges opposite. He is huge, with large, pale eyes and wide, sloping shoulders. The way George tells Lennie not to drink from the river, it seems like he takes care of Lennie. I'm wondering if they are maybe related?
The introducing part ends on page 7 line 12. That's when we first hear about the circumstances.
We find out that they are on the way to a farm a couple miles down the road. During this conversation, it becomes clear that George is the small but smart guy and Lennie is the big, dumb guy who can't remember anything. They remind me of Asterix and Obelix somehow. We also hear that they got into trouble before.
At the end, we figure out Lennie has a dead mouse in his pocket, supposedly just because he likes to pet it.
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